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Warner Brothers Artist

Diana, Princess of Themyscira

Warner Brothers None
Limited Edition Fine Art Giclee
250 Edition | Size: 21 x 15.75
Wonder Woman, print signed by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez
$400.00 Unframed

Publisher: Clampett Studio Collections Artist: Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez Characters: 1: Wonder Woman Release Date: September 18, 2003 Edition Size: 250 Image Size: 21" H x 15 ¾ " W * "Diana, Princess of Themyscira" is a Giclee print, designed, illustrated and painted by renowned Wonder Woman artist, Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez. Each print is hand signed by the artist. The edition was reproduced through the fine art Giclee process on fine paper. * In this image, Wonder Woman has returned to her native Themyscira, a mythical land also known as Paradise Island. Populated by Amazons, men are not permitted entry onto Themyscira. * Created by Dr. Moulton Marston, Wonder Woman made her comic debut in issue #8 of All American's All Star Comics, but gained true notoriety when she was given the lead story in Sensation Comics in January 1942. Shortly afterward, Wonder Woman was included in the Justice Society, which is more commonly known as the Justice League of America. * According to Wonder Woman-The Complete History written by Les Daniels, Marston did not write Wonder Woman as a feminist story. Instead he saw her as having a predominantly male audience whose interests lie in the differences and similarities between male and female superheroes. * Currently, Wonder Woman's audience is indeed mostly men, with a 90-percent male readership.
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